A Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Approved Private Agency

Evidence Based Treatment
We only implement empircally supported strategies to help our students meet their educational and behavioral needs.
Student Integrity
We are a FERPA compliant center where the quality care of, and compassion towards our students is of utmost importance.
Experienced Clinicians
We employ highly trained Board Certified Behavior Analysts, Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts, Teachers, and Registered Behavior Technicians to provide exemplar student support and behvaior intervention.
Collaborative Approach
Our team of experienced ABA professionals are eager to work with area school districts and related service providers (e.g. SLP, OT, PT) to implement Treatment Plans based on individual IEP goals.
The Behavior Helper Academy (TBHA) has emerged is a premier therapeutic academic center in St. Charles County, serving students from 9 local school districts. We provide a unique and supportive environment for learners of all ability levels, from those with severe emotional and behavioral challenges to students requiring additional classroom support to unlock their learning potential. TBHA differentiates instruction based on each student’s classroom placement and Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Our students range from those who qualify as MAP-A participants and graduate based on their IEP goals to those earning credits and graduating under Missouri DESE’s state graduation requirements.
TBHA specializes in serving students with educational identifications such as Autism (AU), Emotional Disturbance (ED), Intellectual Disability (ID), and Other Health Impairments (OHI).

We provide outplacement education for students in grades K-12.
Education programs are tailored to meet student IEP goals.
Our Special Education Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists work closely with our Board Certified Behavior Analysts to manage significant problem behavior (e.g. physical aggression, self-injury, property destruction etc...).
We offer 1:1 or 1:2 therapist to student ratios for a more intimate and invididualized educational experience.
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Placement at TBH Academy is determined by the school district after the IEP Team has determined that outside placement is warranted to best meet the academic, social and behavioral needs of the student.
Mandi O'Mara, Ed.S, BCBA, LBA, Head of School
Lauren Burmester, B.S. Ed, M.A., BCBA, LBA, Director of Special Education
Angela Wanta, LMSW, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA, Director of ABA